Saturday, December 27, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Why Do I Love You
So unafraid of everything around me.
Proudly I would say, I am a Muslim.
If you ask her, why does she dress that way,
All covered up in a world that gives it all away.
Proudly she would say, I am a Muslim.
Deenil Islam deeni
Wala ‘ardab gheiru deeni
Muhammad elli hadeeni
Nourel iman
If you ask me, surely this cannot be,
You give your wealth so free, and you say your life is charity?
It ain’t hard to see, I am a Muslim.
If you ask him, why does it hurt so,
When he sees injustice, even though it’s folks he doesn’t know,
With tears in his eyes he says, I am a Muslim.
If you ask her, why doesn’t she cry,
There’s no one by her side, she’s the only one that’s left behind.
Patiently she sighs, I am a Muslim.
If you ask him, why does he still pray,
Five times a day when so many others have strayed.
Smiling he would say, I am a Muslim.
If you ask me, why do I love you
No matter where you are, we are the greatest Ummah
With the beating of our hearts, we are Muslim.
La-illah-ha-illalah Muhammad-ur-rasullulah
There is only one God
La-illah-ha-illalah Muhammad-al-Mustapha
Muhammad is the messenger
Song by: Zain Bikha, "Deenul Islam"
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A lot!
Hmmm... Let's see. For the past weeks I was totally on the go. Was working for two weeks as a so-called 'secretary' in one of the virtual offices in Subang Jaya. Worked there once during my 3 months vacation before I went for my second year study in IIUM. It was tedious! And my mom thought it was an easy, enjoyable, hands-on job. Tell you what, it's NOT!! Anyway, I gained much from it. Now I'm able to do formal call to public figures, big names, etc. without having to work up on the speech note and practice it in front of the mirror! I am a trained PR!!:) Sweet! Alhamdulillah...
Hmmm... talking about working, I reckon it's nice if I share my experience as a school teacher when I was on holiday before entering IIUM Main Campus in Gombak. Hmmm... An 18 years old teacher! What do you expect?! The story goes...
It was a long hols. I've wasted a month of that vacation pumping up my weight and getting chubbier each day. Both my parents were already bored [I supposed..!] having their daughter idling around doing nothing but eat, sleep, and watch TV. Thank God I didn't have this laptop just yet. Else, I'd be enjoying myself downloading songs and watching movies! LOL!
Back to my teaching days, it was my parents who encouraged me to try the job. It was my luck as the school was lacking of teachers who could teach subjects in English. (it is a primary school btw). So it was at my advantage when the headmaster gave me the job as he noticed the bachelor degree I was going to pursue--English Language and Literature. My intention of working was not really for the monetary gain but more to the self-development training.
During my teaching days, I need to take in hand the hardship of a mother and a teacher to those students at school. I had to make sure that they understand the syllabus well while enjoying their lessons, pass the tests, become excellent students both in academic and spiritual life, and at the same time ensure that they were always kept safe from harm, danger, whatsoever.
Back then, I taught Mathematics, Arts, and Moral Lessons to standard one pupils and at times I had to replace absent teachers. During weekends, I was given the responsibility to take care of the Computer Club's members, teaching them the basic things about computers, internet, etc. And the best part, I was assigned to teach Mathematics to students of my sister's class. She once called me 'Kak Naheed' during class time--accidentally. So she's forgiven.;)
The first week fitting myself into the job was a great challenge! I never thought becoming a teacher was that hard. It needs courage, patient, and most of all, it requires love and sincerity.
It was a tough time for me to get them to comprehend the subject. Moreover one of the classes was of kids who have problems in learning (Kelas Pemulihan). Some were impish and crafty and some others were just a slow learner. Hard to tell whether they really understand the teaching.
For teachers, we have been given numbers of syllabus to be completed in a given period. Say three chapters in two weeks. The problem that I faced, all the three classes have three different paces in grasping the subject taught; particularly of Mathematics. And to add the misery, teaching was actually my first experience of working. So every single thing was a hands-on. I have to figure out myself of interactive ways to get these children to understand my teaching and at the same time enjoying their learning hours.
Mak was very helpful as I can remember. And supportive too.:) She was the one who gave me ideas and ways to go about my teaching skills [Mothers are the BEST teachers, they are.].
Friday, November 28, 2008
A reminder from a friend
If the heart is fed with remembrance of Allah, watered with reflection and meditation and purified from corruption, he will see the wonders and be provided with wisdom.
•• The heart gets sick exactly as the body and its recovery will be in repentance. The heart also gets rusty such as the mirror and its shining is in remembrance of Allah. It also gets naked like the body and its clothing is in piety. Moreover, the heart gets hungry and thirsty exactly as the body and its food and drink will be in knowledge, love, trust and coming back to the way of Allah.••
salam to all your family, sister wassalam:)
P/s: Thanks, Rara for this kind reminder. Friend in need is a friend indeed! It is nice to meet such a thoughtful person as you are. Will keep this in mind.:)
Say NO to...
Dari Ibnu Abbas r.a., katanya dia mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda : “Seorang lelaki tidak boleh berada di tempat sunyi dengan seorang perempuan, melainkan harus disertai mahram. Begitu juga seorang perempuan tidak boleh berjalan sendirian, melainkan harus bersama-sama seorang mahram.” Tiba-tiba berdiri seorang lelaki, lalu dia bertanya: “Isteriku hendak menunaikan ibadat haji, sedangkan aku ditugaskan pergi berperang ke sana dan ke situ, bagaimana itu ya Rasulullah?” Jawab Rasulullah : “Pergilah kamu haji bersama isterimu!”.
(Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Jika berperang mempertahankan Islam dari serangan puak kufur diperintahkan Rasulullah s.a.w. supaya dikirikan dan didahulukan pula tanggungjawab menemani isteri yang bakal mengerjakan haji, maka di sini sangat penting bagi kita untuk mengetahui bahawa setiap dari wali itu sangat dipertanggungjawabkan untuk memelihara keselamatan mahramnya yang berurusan dan mempunyai pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan. Jika seorang wanita yang dewasa sekalipun diperintahkan Rasulullah s.a.w. supaya ditemani suaminya atau mahramnya, apatah lagi jika anak-anak gadis kita yang berusia muda remaja.
Islam tidak membataskan pergerakan wanita, malah menggalakkan mereka terlibat sama dalam semua aktiviti yang bersesuaian dengan keupayaan mereka hatta menyertai pasukan tentera Islam di medan perjuangan sekalipun. Tetapi biarlah semua persekitaran pekerjaan dan aktiviti yang melibatkan kaum hawa ini memberikan satu jaminan keselamatan ke atas diri mereka dan tidak menindas atas dasar sexist yang dengannya memberikan mereka satu persekitaran yang kondusif bagi kemajuan diri para wanita dan ummah.
Satu persekitaran yang kondusif bererti mereka di beri peluang sama-rata untuk maju serta hak keselamatan mereka terpelihara dari anasir buruk serta gangguan dari mana-mana pihak. Antara faktor yang membantu melahirkan persekitaran kondusif, kehadiran mahram adalah sama sekali perlu dan menjadi keutamaan agar hak- hak dan keselamatan mereka dilindungi. Ingat! Sebahagian dari ummah ini ialah wanita dan mereka jugalah yang bakal melahirkan generasi ummah pada masa hadapan.
Menafikan sumbangan dan keupayaan mereka bererti membunuh ummah itu sendiri. Saya melihat perkara ini tidak jauh, cukup dengan contoh ibu, ibu mertua, isteri dan adik perempuan saya sendiri, mereka merupakan antara wanita yang mempunyai pandangan-pandangan kritikal yang membuka minda sekaligus dapat memberikan satu teguran membina dalam halusnya kelembutan jiwa mereka. Setiap cetusan yang diberi merupakan alternative kepada pandangan keras dari minda seorang lelaki.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Halus dalam setiap ciptaanNya. DiciptaNya wanita bukan untuk tunduk kepada Adam tetapi realitinya untuk membantu Adam sebagai check & balance dalam memainkan peranan sebagai khalifah di muka bumi ini. Mengapa mesti ditolak pandangan dan kritikan dari wanita sedangkan Rasulullah s.a.w. sendiri seringkali menjadikan mereka sebagai sumber mendapatkan pendapat dan buah fikiran.
Banyak peristiwa yang dicatatkan hadis di mana Rasulullah s.a.w. mendengar pandangan dari wanita dalam membuat sesuatu keputusan dan adakalanya pandangan tersebut yang diambil baginda, menyelamatkan keadaan ummah yang ada ketikanya diambang pergaduhan. Ini terbukti dalam kes Abdullah Bin Ubay semasa tentera Islam pulang dari perang dengan Bani Mushtaliq.Rasulullah s.a.w. telah menggariskan batasan-batasan yang perlu dipatuhi dalam hubungan antara bukan mahram bagi mengelakkan segala perkara yang tidak diingini daripada berlaku.
Dari Jabir r.a. katanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Ketahuilah! Seorang lelaki bukan mahram tidak boleh bermalam di rumah perempuan janda, kecuali jika dia bernikah dan suaminya ada di rumah, atau ada muhrimnya.”
(Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Sebagaimana yang sering diketengahkan dan dibentangkan di dada-dada akhbar serta makluman yang diterima daripada statistik, majoriti dari kes-kes serangan seksual dan rogol yang mendatangkan kecederaan berlaku ke atas golongan wanita dalam lingkungan umur 30 tahun dan ke atas. Mengikut laporan, majoritinya merupakan kes-kes dimana wanita-wanita tersebut diserang oleh kenalan, teman lelaki, bekas teman lelaki atau bekas suaminya sendiri.
Oleh kerana kebanyakan dari wanita yang mengalami keruntuhan rumahtangga memilih untuk hidup sendiri dan tidak membebankan ibubapa atau mana-mana mahramnya, maka mereka ini sedikit sebanyak terdedah kepada bentuk-bentuk kemudaratan tidak terjangka dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, apatah lagi apabila mereka mengambil ringan batas-batas pergaulan sebagaimana ditetapkan Allah dan RasulNya. Manusia yang didorong oleh hati yang kotor, nafsu serta syaitan, tentunya tidak akan melepaskan mana-mana peluang yang terhidang di depan mata terutama jika mangsa nanti tidak mampu bertindak balas. Jadi langkah terbaik ialah mencegah sebagaimana yang telah digariskan Allah s.w.t. dalam Al-Qur’an dan melalui hadis-hadis Rasulullah s.a.w.
Dari ‘Uqbah r.a. Bin Amir r.a. katanya Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda : “Hindarilah olehmu masuk ke rumah-rumah wanita!” Lalu bertanya seorang Ansar. “Ya Rasulullah! Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang Al Hamwu (keluarga dekat bagi suami, cth: pak cik, saudaranya, anak saudara dan sebagainya).” Jawab Rasulullah s.a.w., “Bahkan itu lebih berbahaya.” (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
1400 tahun yang lalu, Rasulullah s.a.w. telah mengingatkan kita tentang batasan-batasan ini. Sekiranya mereka yang kita kira sebagai rapat dikatakan Rasulullah s.a.w. sebagai lebih berbahaya, maka apatah lagi dengan bahaya oleh orang-orang luar yang tidak atau baru dikenali.
Firman Allah SWT bermaksud;
“Wahai Nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman, supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar); cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. dan (ingatlah) Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani”. [Al Ahzab: 59]
Monday, November 24, 2008
Aku Masih Sayang
leteran = aku masih sayang
kritikan = aku masih sayang
cemuhan = aku masih sayang
sindiran = aku masih sayang
teguran = aku masih sayang
ketahuilah diri
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Your Words
Ertinya: "Tidak ada gunanya pada kebanyakan dari bisikan-bisikan mereka melainkan sesiapa yang menyuruh memberi sedekah, atau berbuat baik, ataupun mengadakan perdamaian antara bangsa manusia. Dan barangsiapa yang melakukan demikan kerana mengharapkan keredhaan Allah maka Kami (Allah) akan memberinya ganjaran yang besar."
Nabi Muhmmad pernah bersabda yang bermaksud :
“Sesiapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat maka hendaklah ia berkata yang baik atau diam.”
(riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah bahawa nabi menyuruh umatnya memelihara lidah dari perkataan yang keji dan buruk.Sabdanya yang bermaksud :
“Simpanlah lidahmu kecuali untuk kebaikan. Sesungguhnya dengan demikian kamu dapat mengalahkan syaitan.”
Di dalam percakapan terdapat bencana dan di dalam diam terdapat kebahagiaan kerana itulah keutamaan diam amat besar. Firman Allah yang bermaksud;
“tiada suatu ucapan yang diucapkannya melainkan ada didekatnya malaikat pengawas yang selalu hadir”
(Qaaf, ayat 18)
Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud :
“Termasuk dalam kebaikan Islamnya seseorang adalah meninggalkan sesuatu yng tidak penting baginya.”
(Riwayat Tirmizi dan Ibnu Majah)
Rasulullah sering mengingatkan umatnya dengan sabdanya yang diriwayatkan oleh Aisyah bermaksud :
“Sesungguhnya orang yang paling dibenci Allah adalah orang yang sangat sengit dalam bertengkar.”
(Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi dan Nasa’i)
Orang Islam sentiasa memelihara lidah dengan menjauhi perkataan keji. Diriwayatkan oleh Turmizi bahawa nabi bersabda yang bermaksud :
“ Orang mukmin itu bukan pencaci maki, pengutuk, berkata keji dan tidak berlidah kotor.”
Rasulullah juga ada bersabda yang bermaksud :
“Tidaklah seseorang menuduh kafir kepada orang lain dan tidaklah ia menuduhnya dengan kefasikan melainkan tuduhan tersebut kembali kepada dirinya kalau temannya tidak seperti apa yang dituduhnya.”
(riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim)
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Musa al-Asy’ari bahawa Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud :
“Wahai Rasulullah! Orang muslimin yang bagaimanakah yang paling utama?” Nabi menjawab: “Orang yang orang-orang Islam yang lain selamat dari lidah dan tangannya.”
"...But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not..."
Oftentimes my schedule was disrupted with things that came up from nowhere. So sudden that I have to re-organize the timetable and at times have to drop off a few things.
Though most of the times it would be such a pain in the chest [is there such idiom like 'pain in the chest'?!] to re-do your list, etc.,etc., but at the end of it things seems to turn out well and every so often better than you thought it would be.
Btw, today's Ayah's 47th birthday [Happy Birthday, Ayah! Kakak sayang Ayah!] and guess what, he had to fly to Perth this morning on a working basis. See how at times our well organized plans are just insurmountable! Don't sweat! Allah is the Greatest Planner of all. He has His bigger and better plan for us. And that, be sure to pray for the best.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Before I Go
There's one thing I wanted to tell you
I never meant to
I never meant to hurt you
I never meant to
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I own...
- Servant
- Devotee
- Vicegerent
- Leader
- Follower
- Daughter
- Sister
- Friend
- Student
- Grand-daughter
- Niece
- Cousin
Now here are more:
13. Wife-to-be
14. Daughter-in-law-to-be
15. etc.
I see smile there on your face...:)
[deep sigh]
Let me remind you, together with those titles come responsibility, and the need to seek more and more knowledge for this world and the hereafter. Did I mention I want to make the best out of everything I own in this brief life? I did and solely for the need to become His good servant and vicegerent.
So here I am, striving hard and doing my best possible to fulfill these responsibilities.
Nonetheless, I was born human and I still am...:) Sometimes mistakes done and blunders made here and there. Unable to keep away from that, that's for sure.
For that, I wish, help me through this...
Tubuh tersadai
Mata meratah lautan
Menular sepi persada
Pada sisa-sisa saat yang hampir pergi
Mahu diri yang umbang-ambing
Kayuhan perahu kian payah
Terbawa badai tak henti
Menjengah lelah
Menerjah perit
Mengekor sakit
Ingin sekali dilepas kayuh
Kudengar bisik halus,
"Jangan, kau bakal sesat!"
"Usah, kau nanti karam!"
"Lepas, bukankah kau sudah penat
menongkah payah?"
Hatiku bingung
"Ya, penat, lelah, sakit, perit!"
"Tapi mengapa dimula kayuhan
andai ingin berhenti di pertengahan?"
Best Lyric Ever
Satukan Di Dalam Satu Denyutan
Di Mana Jiwamu Pasti Bahagia
Kembali Bersemi Insani
Lafazlah Setulus Hati Nurani
Bukakan Maksud Tersimpan Di Hati
Biarpun Pedih Menyeksa Naluri
Nawaitu Tuntutan Batin Suci
Usahlah Engkau Selindungkan Bayangmu
Renungi Asal Kejadian Dirimu
Berjalan Tunduk Bukan erti Kau Kalah
Tebarkanlah Serata Jiwa
Usahlah Engkau Persalahkan Kakimu
Andainya Rebah Di Bumi Mu Sendiri
Mungkinkah Ada Kesilapan Semalam
Lafazkanlah Sejujur Hati
Ketulusan Insan sejati
Mencerminkan Budi Pekerti
Kesungguhan Menyingkap Makhfi (Rahsia)
Kebenaran Diri Yang Suci
Hanya Jiwa Yang Tulus Mengerti
Kemanisan Nawaitu Hati
Ketenangan Dalam Mencari
Keredhaan DariMu Tuhanku
Rabbani: Nawaitu
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I need to tell you
Watching you sleep
I know
I should tell you
but my heart locked
Yes I do
From the very first day
I came to know this world
I have started learning
to love you
need you
desire you
I want to wipe your tears
bear all the pain
give all the joy
put the smile on your face again
make you happy
I need to tell you
Yes I do
I really do
I need to tell you
How should I tell you?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
To Thee
me desire to be who Thee desire me to be
me will try me best
For me
Only Thee could meliorate me
Thy servant with utmost fear
For thy LOVE is pure and true...
"We hope that you'd be successful persons.That's what we are hoping from you. And you know how we define success...
It's not about whether you will get to be a doctor, engineer , astronaut or in Adik's case, a zoologist. It is about whether you could live this life while at all time obeying the commandments of Allah, stay away from His prohibitions according to the way shown by our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW. That IS success in our book."
It requires no explanation, elaboration or commentary whatsoever. It is a self-explaining... This is what every parents (I believe EVERY parents! Including us when we become parents one day) wish their sons and daughters to be or to act upon the world i.e; in courteous manner and righteously.
Dear friends, brothers and sisters, also to you, Naheed Azhari, take heed! :)
Change if you should! Better late than never but yet I'm sure we're still not too late!:) It's never too late to do good or even to be good... Life's short y'know!
Read this and benefit!
Say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. - Quran 17:23
In Islam it is obligatory for us to show kindness, respect, and obedience to our parents. The position of parents, and the mutual obligations and responsibilities, have been addressed in Islam in great detail. In fact kindness and obedience is so strongly emphasized that God has linked showing gratitude to one's parents with showing gratitude to God -
And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal. (31:14)
Sadly we are living in a time where children speaking disrespectfully to their parents and about their parents, is the norm rather than the exception. However Islam places great emphasis on respectful and considerate behaviour to even our enemies, so to not uphold the obligations laid down by God to our parents is actually one of the major sins.
Let's see what the Quran says about Parents. This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear God (2:02)
Treat parents with honour & speak to them graciously & with humility
Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. (17:23)
Be grateful to parents but do not obey them if they strive to make you associate things with God
...Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the eventual coming. But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the end the return of you all is to Me, then will I inform you of what you did (31:15)
These verses make it clear that we must honour our parents, appreciate their sacrifices and efforts for us, and do our best for them. This is required regardless of whether they are Muslims or not.
Be good to parents and everyone else who you meet
Serve God, and join not any partners with Him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For God loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious;- (4:36)
If the Quran tells us to be good to a stranger how can we even think of disrespecting our parents?
Let's see what Prophet Muhammad said about parents in the authentic Hadiths. Whatsoever the Prophet gives you, take it and whatsoever he forbids you, refrain from it. - Quran 59:7
Anas narrated from Prophet Muhammad about the major sins. He (Mohammed) observed: Associating anyone with God, disobedience to parents, killing a person and false utterance. (Muslim)
One of the dearest deeds to God is being good & dutiful to parents
Narrated 'Abdullah: I asked the Prophet "Which deed is the dearest to God?" He replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." I asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" He replied, "To be good and dutiful to your parents"...(Bukhari)
Being dutiful to parents is one of the keys to enter Paradise
Abu Huraira reported Prophet Muhammad as saying: Let him be humbled into dust; let him be humbled into dust. It was said: God's Messenger, who is he? He said: He who sees either of his parents during their old age or he sees both of them, but he does not enter Paradise (because he has been undutiful to them). (Muslim)
Acts of kindness we can do for our parents after their death
While we were with Prophet Muhammad of God . A man of Banu Salmah came to Him and said: Apostle of God is there any kindness left that I can do to my parents after their death? He replied: Yes, you can invoke blessings on them, forgiveness for them, carry out their final instructions after their death, join ties of relationship which are dependent on them, and honour their friends. (Abu Dawood)
The High Status given to Mothers
A man came to the Prophet and asked him for permission to join a military expedition. The Prophet asked him if he had a mother, and when he replied that he had, he said, "Stay with her, for Paradise is at her feet." (Ahmad)
Sometimes we may take our parents for granted and overlook their importance. As Muslims we should constantly be alert to guard ourselves from sins, however, are we guarding ourselves from one of the biggest major sins? Are we honouring and respecting our parents as per their right? Or are we neglecting one of the deeds most dearest to God? Right now the choice is ours!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ramai yang akan tertarik untuk menangkap rama-rama apabila melihat ia terbang berkeliaran di udara. Kecantikan rama-rama terletak pada warna dan corak sayapnya. Akan tetapi kecantikannya tidak akan kekal jika banyak tangan yang menyentuhnya. Warna dan corak rama-rama pasti akan melekat pada jari jemari kita apabila kita menangkapnya. Selepas itu tiada sesiapa yang akan tertarik padanya lagi. Harganya telah tiada untuk dikagumi.
Rama-rama ibarat wanita. Wanita indah untuk disentuh, tetapi nilai dirinya akan merosot setiap kali ada tangan-tangan kotor mencemari tubuhnya. Harga diri dan maruah mudah tercemar jika tidak dijaga dengan sempurna. Begitulah wanita. Ia bagaikan rama-rama yang terbang membawa keindahan corak pada dirinya. Ia tidak akan dipedulikan lagi apabila corak dan warnanya mulai pudar. Harga rama-rama terletak pada warna dan coraknya, dan harga wanita terletak pada maruah dan harga dirinya.
Rama-rama terpaksa berjuang untuk memulakan kehidupnya. Ia terpaksa membebaskan diri daripada kepompong. Bukan mudah untuk keluar daripada kepompong yang telah mengikatnya itu. Tiada sesiapa yang mempedulikanya sepanjang ia berada di dalam kepompong, dan ia lebih dibenci tatkala ia menjadi ulat. Ia terpaksa menempuh pelbagai kesulitan hidup untuk bergelar rama-rama. Terpaksa melalui pelbagai kitaran dan evolusi bentuk. Daripada sesuatu yang menjijikan, akhirnya bertukar menjadi sesuatu yang indah. Rama-rama adalah contoh terbaik untuk wanita sedar betapa bernilainya kehidupan ini.
Sewaktu dipuja, usahlah terlalu mabuk sebaliknya kenanglah kehidupan ketika susah dahulu. Sewaktu kita digoda, dihambat dan dirayu, usahlah terlalu mudah menyerah. Ingatlah mereka yang telah bersusah payah untuk memastikan kita dapat bangkit sebagai seorang manusia yang sempurna pada hari ini. Kemunculan kita adalah lambang pengorbanan ibu bapa.
Usah jadi rama-rama yang diabadikan di dalam bingkai gambar. Indah dipandang tetapi hidupnya sia-sia. Hiduplah dengan bebas dan terjemahkan kebebasan itu kepada nilai-nilai murni yang perlu dipertahankan. Memelihara kehormatan diri adalah hak seorang wanita. Wanita akan terus berada di tempat paling mulia sekiranya kehormatan dan maruahnya terus dipelihara. Wanita akan kehilangan seluruh masa depannya sekiranya tidak mempedulikan kehormatan dirinya.
Jika rama-rama mengetahui akan kecantikan dirinya yang sentiasa memukau penglihatan manusia, ia tentu tidak akan sewenang-sewenangnya terbang ke sana sini. Rama-rama sentiasa terdedah pada bahaya setiap kali ia mengibarkan sayapnya. Namun, rama-rama tidak pernah mengetahui keindahan yang ada pada dirinya sentiasa menjadi sasaran manusia. Wanita yang tidak mengetahui bahawa keindahan dirinya sentiasa menjadi sasaran lelaki perosak adalah ibarat rama-rama yang tidak menyedari akan bahaya yang sentiasa menanti.
Tingkatkan harga diri kita sebagai seorang wanita. Semakin sukar wanita dimiliki semakin mahal nilai wanita di sisi lelaki. Lelaki perosak hanya inginkan kuasa memiliki wanita tetapi tidak mahu setia, apalagi memelihara dan melindungi wanita.
Usah terperangkap ke dalam tangan yang hanya akan meleraikan warna-warna kita sebagai seorang wanita. Setelah warna-warna itu hilang, kita akan dibiarkan dan disisihkan. Jadilah wanita anggun yang punya nilai dan maruah diri.Kita akan lebih dihormati.
Nilai seorang wanita bukan terletak pada berapa ramai lelaki yang ingin memiliki kita tetapi terletak pada berapa ramai lelaki yang benar-benar sanggup menyintai kita. Cinta itu terjemahan pada kasih sayang dan belaian sayang penuh ikhlas. Jika kita masih tidak menemuinya, anggaplah diri kita masih berhak terbang bebas bagaikan sang rama-rama.
Man, you need to know this!
by Umm Salamah as-Salafiyyah
(an Excerpt for her book Supporting the Rights of The Believing Women)
Helping with the housework
‘Aa’ishah (radiyallaahu anhaa) was asked, “What does the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) do with his family?” She said: “He was busy with his family until it was time to pray and then he prayed.” [1]
On the authority of al-Qaasim, on the authority of ‘Aa’ishah (radiyallaahu 'anhaa) that he asked, “What did he Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) do in his house?” She said: “He was a man among men, he cleaned his garment, he milked his sheep and he served himself”. [2]
On the authority of ‘Urwah ibn az-Zubayr, on the authority of ‘Aa’ishah (radiyallaahu 'anhaa) that he asked, “What did the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) do in his house?” She said: “He mended his garment, patched his shoes and he did in his house what men do in their houses.” [3]
The Muslim female student especially needs her husband’s help in raising the children and caring for them, in order for her to study the Qur’aan and Sunnah, what is needed for her to practice her religion and assist her in bringing up her children in a proper and sound way.
The man beautifying himself for his wife
Allaah says:
“And the women have the same rights as those that are over them from what is reasonable.” [Sooratul-Baqarah 2: 228]
Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer in his explanation of this verse said: “It means that they have rights over the men similar to the rights that the men have over them. So giving each other their mutual rights is obligatory from what is reasonable… Wakee’ said on the authority Basheer ibn Sulaymaan, on the authority of ‘Ikramah, on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbaas who said:
“Verily I love to beautify myself for women just as I love women to beautify themselves for me because Allaah says:
"And the women have the same rights as those that are over them from what is reasonable." [Sooratul-Baqarah 2: 228]
If a man beautifies himself, it helps the woman in lowering her gaze and it helps to bring the hearts close together. Some men go to their wives and they are unkempt, dirty, and foul smelling. He bathes and perfumes himself to go out with his friends, but when he returns he is as I mentioned earlier which causes dislike in the heart and disgust in the soul. Just as
[1] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree
[2] Ahmad with an authentic chain.
[3] Ahmad with an authentic chain.
In his tremendous work ‘Ad-Daa wad-Dawaa’ (The sickness and its cure)[1], Ibnul-Qayyim brings the chapter: From the completeness of a man is love for his wives. He states: "As for love for one’s wives then there is no blame in loving them, rather it is from his completeness, and Allah has blessed His worshipers with it (love)", He said,
“And from His signs is this, that He created for you wives from among yourselves, that you may find comfort in them, and placed between you love and mercy. Verily in that are indeed signs for a people who reflect.” [Sooratur-Room, 30:21]
So he made a woman a repose for a man, his heart finding comfort in her, and he placed between them pure love, and it is a love that is coupled with mercy. Allah has said after mentioning what is permissible and impermissible for us from
“Allah wishes to make clear (what is lawful and what is unlawful) to you, and to show you the ways of those before you, and accept your repentance, and Allah is All-Knower, All Wise. Allah wishes to accept your repentance, but those who follow their lusts, wish that (you) believers should deviate tremendously away from the Right Path. Allah wishes to lighten your burden for you; and man was created weak (cannot be patient without women).” [Sooratun-Nisaa’:26-28]
Sufyaan Ath-Thawree mentioned in his tafseer on the authority of Taawus from his father: “If he looks at a woman he cannot be patient.”
He says later: “And there is no doubt that women were beloved to the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), as is found in the Saheeh on the authority of Anas that he (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
“That which has been made beloved to me from the worldly affairs are women, and beautiful fragrances, and prayer has been made a coolness for my eyes.” [2]
And Khaleelullah, the Prophet Ibraaheem (‘alayhi salaam), was married to Saarah from the most beautiful of the women of the earth, and he loved Hajar, and was delighted by her.
And the Prophet Daawood (‘alayhi salaam) had ninety-nine wives, and loved one woman and married her, completing one-hundred, and his son Sulaymaan (‘alayhi salaam) used to go around in one night visiting ninety of his wives, and the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was asked who was the most beloved of the people to him and he answered: “Aa’ishah.”[3] And he said about Khadeejah: “I was blessed with her love.”[4]
So love of women is from the completeness of a man, Ibn Abbaas (radiyallaahu anhu) said: “The best of this nation is the one with the most women.”[5]
He continues later: “The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) interceded for one who was in love, to reunite him with the woman he was in love with, to remarry him but she rejected. This is found in the story of Mugheeth and Barirah, when the Prophet saw him (Mugheeth) walking behind her, his tears pouring down wetting his beard, the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said to her: “Would you not go back to him?” She asked: “O Messenger of Allaah! Are you commanding me to do so?” He answered: “No, I am only interceding [for him].” So she said: “I have no need for him.” So the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said to his uncle: “O Abbaas! Are you not amazed at the love of Mugheeth for Barirah, and her dislike for him?”[6]
He says later: “So love for women is of three kinds: One that is obedience [to Allaah] and brings one closer [to Him], and it is the love of his wife and right hand possession, and this love brings about benefit, for indeed it calls to the reasons of which Allaah legislated marriage, a lowering of the gaze, and protecting the heart from seeking after other than his family, and therefore this one who is love is praiseworthy with Allaah, and with the creation.”
[1] pp. 291-295
[2] Collected by Ahmad in his Musnad (no. 11884, 12644, and 13623) and An-Nisaa’ee in his Sunan the chapter: ‘Love of women’ (no. 3390-3391), it has been authenticated by Al-Muhaddith Al-Albaanee is Saheeh Sunan An-Nisaaee [3/57], Al-Muhaddith Muhammad ibn Aadam mentions in the explanation of this hadeeth [27/175]: “…From its benefits: What the
author chaptered this hadeeth under, and it is legislation of love of women, and that it does not contradict the station of Prophethood. From them: What the Prophet was upon from strong love of Allah without being affected by his love for women, rather it increased him in nearness to Allah.”
[3] This is from the hadeeth of Abdullah ibn ‘Amr Ibnul-Aas who said: “I came to the Messenger of Allah and asked him: Who is the most beloved of the people to you? He answered: “Aa’ishah.” I then asked: From the men? He answered “Her father.” I said: Then who? He answered: “Umar Ibnul-Khattaab.” And then mentioned others.” This hadeeth is agreed upon
by Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.
[4] This is from the hadeeth of Aa’ishah (radiyallaahu anha) who said: “I was never jealous of any of the wives of the Messenger of Allah except Khadeejah and I never met her, if the Prophet slaughtered a animal he would say: “Send this to the companions of Khadeejah.” She said: “I became angry one day. So the Prophet said: “Indeed I was blessed with her love.” It is collected by Muslim in the book of the virtues of the companions, chapter: The Virtues Of Khadeejah.
[5] From the narration of Sa’eed ibn Jubayr who said: “Ibn Abbaas asked me: “Have you married yet?” I answered no, so he said: “Marry! For the best of this ummah are those with the most women.” Collected by Al-Bukhaaree in the book of Marriage, chapter: Plurality of Women [no. 5069]. Al-Haafidh said in Al-Fath [10/143]: “He restricted it to this ummah to exclude the likes of Sulaymaan (‘alayhi salaam), as indeed he had the most women as has preceded, and also his father Daawood, and there came At-Tabaraanee the narration of Ayyoob on the authority of Sa’eed ibn Jubayr from Ibn Abbaas: “Marry! For indeed the best of us was the one with the most women.” And it is said that the meaning the best of the ummah of Muhammad is the one who has more women than others from those who are equal to him in other than that
from virtues. And what is apparent is that what was intended by the best is ‘the Prophet’, (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and by ummah, ‘his companions.’” He says later: “And it has come in Ash-Shafaa that the Arabs used to praise plurality of marriage from what it points to of manhood.”
[6] Collected by Al-Imaam Al-Bukhaaree in the Book of Divorce (no. 5280, 5281, 5282, and 5283), Aboo Daawood in the book of divorce (no. 2231, and 2232), At-Tirmidhee (no. 1156), An-Nisaaee in As-Sughraa [28/5419], and in Al-Kubraa [32/5978] Ibn Maajah [no. 2075], Al-Imaam Ahmad in Al-Musnad (no. 1847, 2538, and 3395), and Maalik in Al-Muwatta
(no. 3190)
Source: troid .org
wanita oh wanita...lelaki oh lelaki
Ujar wanita, mereka adalah lembut
Antara lemah dan lembut…besar perbezaannya
Namun ada yang tidak rela mengakui
Telah ditakdirkan… kerana lembut wanita
Tidak gemar perbalahan... Kecuali jika terpaksa
Lalu wanita pun diam
Diam seolah-olah menerima…
Dalam diam, wanita gigih melaksanakan kewajipan
Dalam diam ,wanita terus terusan bekerja
Di pejabat sebagai kerani…di rumah sebagai suri
Dari sebelum tercalit garis putih di Subuh hari
Hingga jarum jam tegak bertindih jari
Lelaki yang mengaku kuat
Celik mata sarapan sudah terhidang
Apabila pulang dari pejabat
Di kerusi malas longlai terlentang
Isteri dikatakan lemah…bergelut di dapur memasak
Suami yang mengaku gagah…bersantai di hadapan TV tidak bergerak
Selesai memasak wanita menguruskan anak-anak
Menyapu sampah, mengemas rumah yang berselerak
Lelaki keletihan kerana memandu di jalan sesak
Berehat, menonton TV sambil tergelak
Dalam diam wanita dianggap lemah…terus berlumba dengan masa
Memandikan anak, melipat pakaian, membasuh baju
Kakitangan semua digerak laju
Menyiram pohon-pohon bunga yang mulai layu
Sebelum solat Magrib untuk sujud menyembah yang Satu...
Makanan dihidang selepas solat
Selesai kerja rumah, anak-anak diajar mengaji
Sedang suami tersadar semula seperti tadi
Sebagai isteri kesetiaannya sentiasa diuji
Dalam diam sedih perit disimpan nubari
Lelaki terpelajar celik hati…
Minta hapuskan diskriminasi...
Lantanglah membela nasib wanita…
Meminta lelaki jangan lagi memperlakukan wanita mengikut adat tradisi
Hukum agama telah terpapar
Tugas suami mengemas rumah, menjaga anak
Membasuh pakaian, menyediakan makanan
Jika suami tidak terdaya melakukan
Seorang pembantu wajar disediakan
Lelaki yang hanyut dalam keasyikan
Tidak mampu menerima perubahan
Rela bertahan dengan pelbagai alasan
Asalkan cara hidup tradisi terus dinikmati
Dan dalam diam
Wanita yang sering dianggap lemah
Meneruskan hidup menongkah payah
'Kekayaan yang paling kaya adalah AKAL,
Kemiskinan yang paling dhaif ialah JAHIL,
Keburukan yang paling hodoh ialah SESAT'
Jika diri tak seindah SULAIMAN,
Mengapa mengharap teman setampan YUSUF,
Jika kasih tak setulus ZULAIKHA,
Tak perlu diri menjadi seteguh IBRAHIM,
Jika tak sekuat SARAH,
Mengapa didamba teman hidup seistimewa KHADIJAH,
Jika diri tak sesempurna RASULULLAH S.A.W.
Tak guna miliki HATI andai tak pandai MENILAI diri...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Wonder Girls? Dream Girls? They are Azhuda's girls!:)
Just got back home this afternoon. Finished my last final exam paper at 2pm--CCT. Did it good. Rather OK I should say. Arrived home at 4. The whole family arrived at UIA to pick me up after visiting Atok and Wan at Melaka.
Btw, today's Qayya's birthday! She's twelve now...
Happy 12th Birthday! Love you like always!
Be a good daughter and Muslimah.
May all happiness come your way."
Tonight we had a fun night dining at Megah Restaurant to celebrate her birthday and the special thing about it... it was a treat paid by the birthday girl! (and Ayah mentioned to bank-in the same amount into her account nevertheless). I remember she said, "Ala, sekali seumur hidup je..".
I'm so proud of her 'considerate' attitude she has since small. Everytime there's any birthday or special occasions we'll be celebrating, she'll be among the first to think of what to buy or what to give. I would say this little sister of mine is way matured than any other girls of her age should be.
And not just her, now my other little sisters are following her foot step. I received a birthday present from Acha (sibling no. 10) just now before she went to sleep. My birthday is coming in a month time and that I have received a birthday gift! What a surprise?!:)
These are the Girls of Azhuda(Azhari+Norulhuda). They are sweet, caring, considerate, lovely, and what not! Oh how I love my family!
And what is it with Wonder Girls from Korea or Dream Girls of Beyonce Knowles and Jennifer Hudson... Hmmm...
I am so into this choreography of the dancing steps for the song 'Nobody' by the Wonder Girls. It is so energetic and the music is catchy all along. I was watching the music video in my room when the little girls came in and join me.
The funny thing is that these little girls, they try to follow the steps and we have made a videoclip of that! LOL!! I was laughing and laughing and couldn't stop laughing as I watch this little dancers move their body to the rhythm of the song. They are cute! Blemey! And the youngest, Safiyya, we call her Adek, she suggested that I put it on Youtube! Acha disagreed, "Eh, mana boleh! kita tak pakai tudung la!"
There, these are my sisters, my chocolates and sweets... Azhuda's girls! You guys rock!:)
Friday, October 10, 2008
I'm Calling U
When all my goals, my very soul
Ain't fallin' through
I'm in need of U
The trust in my faith
My tears and my ways is drowning so
I cannot always show it
But don?t doubt my love
I'm callin' U
With all my time and all my fights
In search for the truth
Tryin' to reach U
See the worth of my sweat
My house and my bed
Am lost in sleep
I will not be false in who I am
As long as I breathe
Oh, no, no
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
My One & Only
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
U all I need in my life
I'm callin' U
When all my joy
And all my love is feelin' good
Cuz it's due to U
See the time of my life
My days and my nights
Oh, it's alright
Cuz at the end of the day
I still got enough for me and my
I'm callin' U
When all my keys
And all my bizz
Runs all so smooth
I'm thankin' U
See the halves in my life
My patience, my wife
With all that I know
Oh, take no more than I deserve
Still need to learn more
Oh, no, no
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
My One & Only
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
U all I need in my life
Our relationship, so complex
Found U while I was headed straight for hell in quest
You have no one to compare to
‘Cause when I lie to myself nothings hidden from U
I guess I'm thankful
Word on the street is U changed me
It shows in my behaviour
Past present future
Lay it all out
Found my call in your house
And let the whole world know what this love is about
Yo te quiero, te extrano, te olvido
Aunque nunca me has faltado, siempre estas conmigo
Por las veces que he fallado y las heridas tan profundas
Mejor tarde que nunca para pedirte mil disculpas
Estoy gritando callado yo te llamo, te escucho, lo intento
De ti yo me alimento
Cuando el aire que respiro es violento y turbulento
Yo te olvido, te llamo, te siento
[I love you, I miss you, I forget you
Even though you never let me down and always are by my side
For all the times I've failed and hurt you deeply
Better later than never to give you a 1000 apologies
I'm shouting silently, callin' you, I'm listening to you, I'm tryin'
You nourish me
When the air that I breathe is violent and turbulent
I'm forgettin' you, I'm callin' you, I'm feelin' you]
Oh, no, no
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U
My One & Only
I don't need nobody
& I don't fear nobody
I don't call nobody but U…
God, I'm calling only U
For U r my hope,
my goal,
my True Love!
I don't wanna fight no more...!
I had enough... of crying and losing...
It's hard and it hurts...
Just let me be...
And so, this is my prayer...
Let it be the best,
for you and for me,
for us,
for the future...
I don't wanna fight no more...!
Thank you, Mister Chairperson...
My story today... Hm... excited huh?! :) I was feeling the same when I was invited to become the emcee for two consecutive AGMs of two organizations in IIUM--Titian Wahyu Project and Intellectual Youth Club.
I was never before a chairperson for any meeting and that I was offered to become the chairperson for two annual grand meetings! What an honour...!:)
Thanks to Kak Dyll and Kak Sarah Ayu for the offer. Both were precious experience that could never be bought by material.
And you know what, after the second AGM that I chaired, I was offered to be the emcee for another AGM this Wednesday, October 15; Taskforce Rakan Muda Annual Grand Meeting.
Notwithstanding, I'll have presentation and hehehe a date on that day... So sorry Nadz, couldn't be your emcee... Good Luck to Melissa. She'll replace me for Rakan Muda's AGM. Have a great experience my dear!:)
Kak Dyll, gambar di bawah ni saje je Naheed 'feature'kan ... Attention-getter... Hehhe:) Jangan marah aaa...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Tunggu Teduh Dulu
Novel ni Naheed pinjam daripada Kak Dyll. Dia yg bersungguh bagi Naheed baca. Naheed sebenarnya tak boleh pegang novel. Once dah start, habis la... Takkan berhenti sampai khatam novel tu. I can even finish a novel as thick as Harry Potter in just a day!
Mula-mula pegang and flipped through the pages, what came to my mind was,
"Ala... ni lebih kurang 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta' je ni..."
At that time I had my impromptu dinner with Kak Dyll. She said that she just bought the novel and it still looked new as if belum bersentuh pun.
"Kak Dyll da baca belum ni?"
"Akak da baca da.. Pinjam ngan kawan.
Ni saje-saje beli buat simpanan.
Bace la... Best tau cite die"
And I was seduced.
Easily..! You know why?
First, I am by nature a novel-lover!:)
Second, cause I know that Faisal Tehrani is one of the prominent young Malaysian novelists, he had written number of books and won various awards.
And third, I was looking for something light but at the same time able to enlighten my dreary days I had that week.
Why was it a dreary week? I couldn't tell. But I can share more or less what I've learnt from this TTD (Tunggu Teduh Dulu) novel.
It is a story about a Muslim woman named Salsabila Fahim, seorang wanita yang mencari teduh tatkala dunianya diburu hujan, ribut, petir, taufan dan kemarau.
Kata Salsabila Fahim, ini cerita kecil,
cerita sederhana, tentang dia lari berteduh
di bangsal di puncak bukit
bersama Kamil dan Lam Ping Hai ketika hujan mula gerimis.
Kata aku, ini perkara besar ,
hal berteduh sementara duga datang mencuba bukan hal main-main.
Kata Teh Sofia, ya,
Kerja Tuhan siapa tahu ?
Kata aku, Tuhan akan menunjukkan
kepada yang mencari. Ya, asal kau mahu
mencari, Dia menunjukkan.
Apa kata kau ?
Kataku;Salsabila Fahim umpama diri, yang sekejap berlari ke hulu, terkadang menyusur jalan ke hilir mencari teduh. Saat-saat diri berada di tengah indah dunia, terleka, lupa bahawa itu milik Dia.
Namun, bila diri diberi ujian, mehnah dan dugaan, tatkala itu mula mencari teduh, mencari bantuan Tuhan.
Salsabila Fahim seorang yang tabah, tak mudah lentur semangatnya ketika ujian membedil bertalu-talu. Novel ni banyak buat Naheed berfikir dan merenung diri. Seorang sahabiah pernah berkata,
Naheed tak pernah diuji dengan ujian sehebat yang Salsabila Fahim, atau mungkin pejuang-pejuang lain lalui. Dengan ujian yang sekecil ini pun masih hendak mengeluh, masih cepat untuk berputus asa, masih kurang zikir syukur.
"Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menetapkan kamu (dan memberi kuasa) di bumi dan Kami jadikan untuk kamu padanya (berbagai jalan) penghidupan (supaya kamu bersyukur, tetapi) amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur. "
(Al Anfal:10)
"Dan Dialah yang menjadikan kamu khalifah di bumi dan meninggikan setengah kamu atas setengahnya yang lain beberapa darjat, kerana Dia hendak menguji kamu pada apa yang telah dikurniakanNya kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu amatlah cepat azab seksaNya dan sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani."
(Al An'aam 165)
(At Taubah:129)