My story today... Hm... excited huh?! :) I was feeling the same when I was invited to become the emcee for two consecutive AGMs of two organizations in IIUM--Titian Wahyu Project and Intellectual Youth Club.
I was never before a chairperson for any meeting and that I was offered to become the chairperson for two annual grand meetings! What an honour...!:)
Thanks to Kak Dyll and Kak Sarah Ayu for the offer. Both were precious experience that could never be bought by material.
And you know what, after the second AGM that I chaired, I was offered to be the emcee for another AGM this Wednesday, October 15; Taskforce Rakan Muda Annual Grand Meeting.
Notwithstanding, I'll have presentation and hehehe a date on that day... So sorry Nadz, couldn't be your emcee... Good Luck to Melissa. She'll replace me for Rakan Muda's AGM. Have a great experience my dear!:)
Kak Dyll, gambar di bawah ni saje je Naheed 'feature'kan ... Attention-getter... Hehhe:) Jangan marah aaa...

salam...hadoi...awat gambaq ni jugak yang hang letak......huuuu...
naheed, dah ceburkan diri bidang emcee lak ke. Dari dulu lg akak da nampak talent tuh, tp dulu takleh, kamu people behind the scene :D
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