Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wonder Girls? Dream Girls? They are Azhuda's girls!:)

Hi there everyone!

Just got back home this afternoon. Finished my last final exam paper at 2pm--CCT. Did it good. Rather OK I should say. Arrived home at 4. The whole family arrived at UIA to pick me up after visiting Atok and Wan at Melaka.

Btw, today's Qayya's birthday! She's twelve now...

"Ruqayya my dear,
Happy 12th Birthday! Love you like always!
Be a good daughter and Muslimah.
May all happiness come your way."

Tonight we had a fun night dining at Megah Restaurant to celebrate her birthday and the special thing about it... it was a treat paid by the birthday girl! (and Ayah mentioned to bank-in the same amount into her account nevertheless). I remember she said, "Ala, sekali seumur hidup je..".

I'm so proud of her 'considerate' attitude she has since small. Everytime there's any birthday or special occasions we'll be celebrating, she'll be among the first to think of what to buy or what to give. I would say this little sister of mine is way matured than any other girls of her age should be.

And not just her, now my other little sisters are following her foot step. I received a birthday present from Acha (sibling no. 10) just now before she went to sleep. My birthday is coming in a month time and that I have received a birthday gift! What a surprise?!:)

These are the Girls of Azhuda(Azhari+Norulhuda). They are sweet, caring, considerate, lovely, and what not! Oh how I love my family!

And what is it with Wonder Girls from Korea or Dream Girls of Beyonce Knowles and Jennifer Hudson... Hmmm...

I am so into this choreography of the dancing steps for the song 'Nobody' by the Wonder Girls. It is so energetic and the music is catchy all along. I was watching the music video in my room when the little girls came in and join me.

The funny thing is that these little girls, they try to follow the steps and we have made a videoclip of that! LOL!! I was laughing and laughing and couldn't stop laughing as I watch this little dancers move their body to the rhythm of the song. They are cute! Blemey! And the youngest, Safiyya, we call her Adek, she suggested that I put it on Youtube! Acha disagreed, "Eh, mana boleh! kita tak pakai tudung la!"

There, these are my sisters, my chocolates and sweets... Azhuda's girls! You guys rock!:)

Acha, Adek, Adnin (cousin), Zainab, Qayya

1 comment:

Elham said...

Happy Birthday Qayya!! May Allah showers His Blessing for this very 'jjurus' little girl.

Aik,Adik pun ada tumpang glamer kat situ??