It is late now but I'm still enthuse to share this here. It is nothing so big but it is something that is so close to us that tells about our whims and wants, about contentment, about losing, letting go and moving on, about frustration and what not.
This occurred not so long ago. It took me quite some time to actually grasp the very meaning of the message. It was from a friend, he said;
"Naheed, ni lah waktunya kita nak didik diri untuk SABAR dan SYUKUR. Di satu sisi kita sabar dengan ujian, ancaman, mehnah, dan di sisi yang satu lagi, kita syukur dengan apa yang kita ada--"
To be translated, it'll sound like;
"Naheed, this is the time where we are to teach our selves to be PATIENT and THANKFUL. From one side of a thing, we are being resilient towards the hardships, threads, troubles, and another side of it we are thankful for all that have been bestowed upon us--"
Metaphorically it'll be like flying with two wings; sabr and syukr. Lose one of them then you'll break down and suffer great damage (hurts, discontentment, fury, sadness, etc.).
I guess he's right for man are never satisfied with what he has. ALlah 'azzawajalla mentioned in the Holy Qur'an [Al Maarij: 19-21]:
“Sesungguhnya manusia diciptakan bersifat keluh kesah lagi kikir. Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan ia berkeluh kesah, dan apabila ia mendapat kebaikan ia amat kikir"
"Verily, man (disbeliever) was created very impatient; Irritable (discontented) when evil touches him; And niggardly when good touches him;-"
I feel like sharing this too... A conversation I had with an anon through formspring:
Q: mana lebih sedih- melhat orang yang kita sayang tapi tak dapat bersama atau rindu kerana berjauhan dari dia?
A: Bismillah....
Pernah melalui kedua-duanya. Dan telah belajar dari kedua-duanya. Di tahap ini, kedua-duanya bawa bahagia. Dulu mungkin sedih, tapi sekarang bahagia.
Bahagia kerana:
Pertama; apabila sesuatu berlaku bkn selari dgn kehendak kita, itu kehendak Tuhan. Lalu apa yg lebih indah dan lebih baik dari yang dikehendaki Tuhan? [menanggapi fitrah diri hamba]
Kedua; absence makes our hearts grow fonder! Tak gitu?
Belajarlah untuk redha dan sangka baik dengan pemberian Tuhan. Dia berfirman: "...sesungguhnya Aku adalah seperti apa yang hambaKu sangkakan terhadap diriKu."
Now... I would like you to think of something--what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you face one of the situations listed below:
- you failed to do something,
- things turn out badly after you have put so much effort on it,
- lost something or lose someone,
- being slandered,
- being put down,
- etc., etc.,
Let's together practice the acts of 3S: SABR, SYUKR, SMILE... May ALlah al Mannan leads us to His pleasure and bounties. Amiin!


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Angah, ada butang 'like' kot kat atas tu... Anyway, 3S selalu yuk! :)
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