It's been a while since I scribble my thoughts here. Even now I wish to write pages and pages of things that had happened in the past few months [the last entry I posted was in January] but don't think I'm able to do so just yet. [actually, I don't feel like doing it]
Well, had some fun doing this yesterday and I think I really have passion in it (photography). Hope to own one good DSLR in the future inshaALlah. ;)
Looking into the future, one thing for sure, life going to be so different soon. I'll be graduating in April then going to start work, pay the debt [pitipitipu!], and have some plan to travel the world too, inshaALlah. A lot of things to do while being young and able. They say; "Seize the day!"
Hmmm... Talking about life, anticipating that I'll be weeping a lot this week. Huhu. Went through hard times alone these days [proving to the world that I'm strong and independent but yet I think I fail] and now things getting harder and harder. Well, that's how we mature...
In Quran, there are many duas including this one that we can say during those hard times;
"Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance."
[Al Kahfi; QS 3:10]
Amiin, thumma amiin. Hoping that through these ups and downs, He will always be close to my heart no matter what.[Al Kahfi; QS 3:10]
Alhamdulillah, had the chance to visit Morocco in mid January for the 5th International Youth Gathering (IYG) organized by Union of NGOs in Islamic World (UNIW) which has its base in Istanbul, Turkey.

And for my family here in Malaysia; including PPIWP, MRC 0809, JBDS, 5th IYG, may ALlah be with us and bless our lives with His Pleasure and Love. And may our ending be 'husnul khatimah' inshaALlah. Having you guys around get me stronger. And this one's for you, with love. :)
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