Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
i carry your heart with me
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
By: Edward Estlin Cummings
[Found this while doing revision on 'Stylistic in Poetry' with Nik Izyani and Kak Didi in (IIUM) Library, 22:00:00 April 7, 2011. Fallen in love with its lexical and semantic cohesions (with mine). ;)]
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Sweet... Aren't they?
"A Muslim man can acquire no benefit after Islam greater than a Muslim wife who makes him happy when he looks at her, obeys him when he commands her, and protects him when he is away from her in herself and in his property."
[Reported by An Nasa'i]
It has been narrated by Zaid Ibn Arqam that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam stated, "Oh Zaid! Be wedded, for your purity will be further increased."
[Dailami: Imam Abu Hanifa]
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Getting A Message Across
Dear Whom-This-May-Concern,
I know you've been a faithful reader here ever since we knew each other though you are not a follower.
One thing I really need you to understand is that things had changed for these past few years. I know you notice them. Please stop all the stalkings. And I beg you to stop all the pretenses too because I'm really not buying them. I had enough of 'saying one thing but means another'. Use all those figures of speech you may but things will never be the same.
You and I both know we are not having so many pep talks like we used to. We have now grown up to be someone so different from who we were.
We are friends. I never despise you. Never. Pray you'll always have a good life, a blessed and a blissful one. InshaALlah. Wishing you well in every good thing you do.
And this note, it never meant any harm. It's never easy for me to be a 'goody two-shoes' kinda person to even my besties. So here I am noting this down for you. Please understand.
May you stay safe and well.Yours faithfully,
The Less Courageous
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Three words: If you must
If you must;
Nothin’ in this life stays
Whether you like it or not
People leave (or die)
Memories fade
While the clock is still tickin’
Tell ‘em you love ‘em
Why worry
If you must;
let go
Nothin’ in this life stays
Whether you like it or not
People leave (or die)
Memories fade
While the clock is still tickin’
Tell ‘em you love ‘em
Why worry
when you have all to have and all to give
It goes for a circle;
What you give, you get back
What goes around comes around
Remember why you are here
And how you are here
And where you are goin’
It goes for a circle;
What you give, you get back
What goes around comes around
Remember why you are here
And how you are here
And where you are goin’
If you must;
let go
If you must;
let go
Monday, March 21, 2011

and said:
Make me a man
Thou art perfect
Thou complete me”
was she
No more,
Dear Romeo
Romeo O Romeo,
It’s the way you left her
It’s the way you hesitated
It’s when you chose; not her!
Now that everything had changed
No she’s not gonna come back
No it’s not gonna work
No way it will
No way
She was your Juliet--
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Of wanting to be happy...
It's been a while since I scribble my thoughts here. Even now I wish to write pages and pages of things that had happened in the past few months [the last entry I posted was in January] but don't think I'm able to do so just yet. [actually, I don't feel like doing it]
Well, had some fun doing this yesterday and I think I really have passion in it (photography). Hope to own one good DSLR in the future inshaALlah. ;)
[Special thanks to Azimah, Aisha, Azza, Aishah, Yana, and Nusantara Photography (Br. Ashraf, our instructor's studio) for this!]
Looking into the future, one thing for sure, life going to be so different soon. I'll be graduating in April then going to start work, pay the debt [pitipitipu!], and have some plan to travel the world too, inshaALlah. A lot of things to do while being young and able. They say; "Seize the day!"
Hmmm... Talking about life, anticipating that I'll be weeping a lot this week. Huhu. Went through hard times alone these days [proving to the world that I'm strong and independent but yet I think I fail] and now things getting harder and harder. Well, that's how we mature...
In Quran, there are many duas including this one that we can say during those hard times;
Alhamdulillah, had the chance to visit Morocco in mid January for the 5th International Youth Gathering (IYG) organized by Union of NGOs in Islamic World (UNIW) which has its base in Istanbul, Turkey.
Visited some very beautiful places [especially the beaches!] including Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakech, Tangier and Fes. I miss Morocco and all the warm and lovely people; Renata, Ouissal, Khaoula, Wafa, Sevde, Sumeyye, Iman, Hetice, Seyme. Hope they are doing good. Hope we can meet again in Turkey this coming July for the 6th IYG.
And for my family here in Malaysia; including PPIWP, MRC 0809, JBDS, 5th IYG, may ALlah be with us and bless our lives with His Pleasure and Love. And may our ending be 'husnul khatimah' inshaALlah. Having you guys around get me stronger. And this one's for you, with love. :)
It's been a while since I scribble my thoughts here. Even now I wish to write pages and pages of things that had happened in the past few months [the last entry I posted was in January] but don't think I'm able to do so just yet. [actually, I don't feel like doing it]
Well, had some fun doing this yesterday and I think I really have passion in it (photography). Hope to own one good DSLR in the future inshaALlah. ;)
Looking into the future, one thing for sure, life going to be so different soon. I'll be graduating in April then going to start work, pay the debt [pitipitipu!], and have some plan to travel the world too, inshaALlah. A lot of things to do while being young and able. They say; "Seize the day!"
Hmmm... Talking about life, anticipating that I'll be weeping a lot this week. Huhu. Went through hard times alone these days [proving to the world that I'm strong and independent but yet I think I fail] and now things getting harder and harder. Well, that's how we mature...
In Quran, there are many duas including this one that we can say during those hard times;
"Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance."
[Al Kahfi; QS 3:10]
Amiin, thumma amiin. Hoping that through these ups and downs, He will always be close to my heart no matter what.[Al Kahfi; QS 3:10]
Alhamdulillah, had the chance to visit Morocco in mid January for the 5th International Youth Gathering (IYG) organized by Union of NGOs in Islamic World (UNIW) which has its base in Istanbul, Turkey.

And for my family here in Malaysia; including PPIWP, MRC 0809, JBDS, 5th IYG, may ALlah be with us and bless our lives with His Pleasure and Love. And may our ending be 'husnul khatimah' inshaALlah. Having you guys around get me stronger. And this one's for you, with love. :)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Not knowing
If I could tell you every second that 'iloveyou'
I would
If I could hold your hand and never let go
I would
If I could take you in my arm forever
I would
If I could just sit there, with you, watching the sun went up and down
together, with you, I would
You see, I would, I would
I would--
I would
If I could hold your hand and never let go
I would
If I could take you in my arm forever
I would
If I could just sit there, with you, watching the sun went up and down
together, with you, I would
You see, I would, I would
I would--
Saturday, January 8, 2011
But then again
A shooting star
She waits to see
She hopes to be
But then again;
Sun's bright
The day stay gray
And she's looking,
Into the dream
So deep
So steep
Shooting star;
Her wishes,
Her disguise
But then again;

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan kami
Sholawat dan salam mohon dilimpahi
Atas Nabi Muhammad Junjungan kami
Keluarga baginda turut disertai
Sholawat salam himpunan segala lisani
Hadhrat keluasan rahmatMu tak bertepi
Sholawat yang berkatnya kami dikurniai
Pertautan juga bantuan nurani
Dari jasmani Baginda Nabi
Dari hati Baginda Nabi
Dari ruh Baginda Nabi
Dari sir Baginda Nabi
Dari ilmu Baginda Nabi
Dari amal Baginda Nabi
Dari akhlak Baginda Nabi
Dari niat Baginda Nabi
Dari tawajjuh Baginda Nabi
Dari qashad Baginda Nabi
Terus ke jasmani kami
Terus ke hati kami
Terus ke ruh kami
Terus ke sir kami
Terus ke ilmu kami
Terus ke amal kami
Terus ke akhlak kami
Terus ke niat kami
Terus ke tawajjuh kami
Terus ke qashad kami
Serta Kau kembalikanlah Ya Rabbi
Keberkatan sholawat ini
Atas kami, atas keturunan kami,
Atas sahabat kami dan atas penghuni zaman kami
Ya Nur Ya Nur Ya Nur kami pohoni
Agar dijadikan kami satu nur menerangi
Demi haq an-Nur yang Maha Tinggi
اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد النبي الأمي وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
Amiin, amiin Ya Allah.
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